Paul, Under the Microscope


            The purpose of the book, Four Views on the Apostle Paul[1], is, as the book’s own rear-cover promotion states, to “…[give] students the tools they need to draw informed conclusions on debated issues.”[2]  In particular, the “debated issues” here are Paul the Apostle’s teachings on eternal salvation.  The debate is undertaken by four scholars, each with quite a different theological background and expertise:  Thomas R. Schreiner represents the Reformed Christian view; Luke Timothy Johnson comments from the Roman Catholic position; Douglas A. Campbell from the Post-New Perspective view; and finally, Mark D. Nanos speaks from the Jewish view.

In order that the guild might be “contained” a bit for the sake of the argument’s focus, four particular considerations are required of its participants, regarding Pauline doctrine:

  • What did Paul think about salvation?
  • What was Paul’s view of the significance…

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